Pay.WRLD.Tech is not replacing WRLD.Host - it is a new platform for our Managed Services & Technology Consulting Clients.
Please note that this is for our MSP clients, if you use our managed helpdesk, Microsoft 365, security and other internal solutions this is the correct location. For our web hosting, domains, and other web related services visit to login and view your invoices and services. We are hoping to merge the two billing systems in the coming months.
Accessing the new portal:
Visit and login with your email associated with your company.

Login with Company Email
Check your email to login with the 'magic link.'
Coming soon: password login. Stay tuned.
Note: if your email or account is not associated with a billing account, please hit 'request access' and keep an eye on your email for approval to access the associated company dashboard.
Managing Multiple Companies
Simply log in with the email domain (@company that you have access to, and you should be able to continue or hit 'request access' if the email isn't associated with those permissions and you will be approved asap.