Scheduling Onboarding & Included Training for SLA'd Partners

Types of Training Available:

For our partners that have the preferred tier SLA or equivalent, onboarding and training new hires is included at no additional cost. 

Required Security Training & In-Person Training

Standard Rate as noted on SLA.Discounted Rate as noted on SLA.Included in the per-user block hours allocated per month.
Required Security Training Included via portal.wrld.techRequired Security Training Included via portal.wrld.techRequired Security & Supplemental Premium Courses, Certifications, and Training Included via your white-labelled portal (and

Supplemental On-Demand Training with BiggerBrains Premium Catalog

Basic Courses included via Portal ( Premium Courses Add-On for whole company optionally available.  Basic Courses included via Portal (  Discounted Premium Courses Add-On for whole company optionally available.Full Premium Catalog of Courses and Certifications Available on your white-labelled portal. (Also accessible at

In-Person or Remote Training

Available at standard rateAvailable at discounted price or dictated by SLA terms.Included at no extra charge as long as the employee is licensed appropriately. 

In-Person / One-on-One Training with a Human

For our partners that have the preferred tier SLA or equivalent, onboarding and training new hires is included at no additional cost. 


Company Allocated Device for New Hire
SLA must include this; else standard rate may apply. 
Employee details and pre-provisioning must be complete, fill out the 'Onboard / Offboard Employee' Service Request Form at your company portal or via
Employee must have a compatible phone (company provided or BYOD) to download Microsoft Authenticator or similar 2FA software (related: We use and Recommend 1Password for Business! Find out more and get a free trial by clicking here).

Once ready, go to your dedicated portal or point the new hire to this page to schedule a session. 

Start by using the form below:

Training via your company portal which can also always be accessible at (for white labelled clients, if you login there, you will be redirected to your company portal).

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The Importance of Mandatory Security Training